Fifteen Months

I present to you the cutest, sweetest child that ever existed:

Not that I'm biased or anything.  But seriously, Ingrid at fifteen months is like Henry at nineteen months (except calmer).   She giggles.  She cuddles.  She kisses.  She dances.  She's a bookworm.  She sleeps from 8 to 7:30 and 1:30 to 4:00. 


Toddler Ingrid is busybusybusybusy doing all the things we do.  She likes to hand me silverware and dishes as we unload the dishwasher, carry objects to and fro, and wipe up spills.  She LOVES to stand on the kitchen tower and cook with me.

And she talks.  She talks a lot.  I couldn't even keep track of all the new words this month, but I wrote down: drop (dop), downstairs, upstairs, cough, Henry, phone (pone), diaper, want it (WANNIT), brother, carry (ky-yee), sock, shoe, kitty, here (when she hands you something), coffee, bite, jacket (cack-ick), bunny, George, Cheerios (shee-osh), jump, eat, cheese (tseese), hair bow (hey-bo), zipper, happy, snack, hands, door, toes, strawberry (sto-bye), blueberry (boo-bye), Gabba, sunnies, up, click, wash, light, spoon, napkin, fork, again, spoon, cold, hat, and broke it (applies to any break, spill, or general failure of an object to do what she wants), picture, and a whole bunch of animal names.  You can tell she pays close attention to Henry because she also says mask and hammer (still working on mjolnir), and can correctly identify Hulk, Wolverine, and Spidey.  She makes song requests for happy (and claps her little hands together), 'pider (and taps her itsy bitsy fingers together), and tinkle (and puts her twinkly star hands up in the sky).  She also started using two-word phrases toward the end of the month.  A couple of her best phrases are "Daddy coffee" and "more Gabba." 

She loves animal books and likes to tell us what all the animals say.  Any mention of fish immediately prompts her excellent fish face. 

This girl . . . she's a keeper. 


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