Eighteen Months

Grandma Carol believes eighteen months is the peak of physical cuteness.  I'm inclined to agree.

I keep thinking that we just had this baby in August.  Then I look at these pictures and realize she's a full year and a half old, and that she is definitely turning into a little girl and leaving the baby behind.

She still loves beads, fancy dresses, and goldshoes (which refers to gold shoes, silver shoes, patent shoes -- basically any fancy shoes).  Favorite activities include examining everything on the sidewalk, climbing stairs, washing her hands over and over again, reading books, looking at pictures, working on the kitchen tower, and whatever Henry is doing.

Still talking up a storm.  We're currently in the phase of the language cycle when I understand less of what she says because she tries to string together longer phrases, gets lost somewhere in the middle, and it comes out all garbled.  But she routinely puts together four and five word sentences, and sometimes two short sentences together, such as, "Izzy no eat crackers EVER" and "Princess cup messy.  Mommy clean it."  She has also started noticing shapes colors and is moderately accurate in identifying them.  She correctly identifies pink almost 100% of the time; is pretty good at purple, blue, and brown; pretty much random guessing at everything else.  Ditto for shapes; she knows the names of all the shapes on her favorite puzzle, but correctly identifies only a couple of them when she spots them in their natural habitats.  Pretty consistent with circles and ovals, occasionally squares, but never the other shapes.

Her current favorite books are Goodnight Moon (she likes to find the mouse on every page), the George books, Clifford, The Potty Book, Z is for Moose, and anything we just got from the library.  But she must be sitting in your lap to read.  If I try to sit her right next to me on the couch, she gets very agitated and yells, "Sit Mommy's YAP!!!"

The child will not, under any circumstances, willingly ride in the stroller anymore.  At least she is a surprisingly good walker for a tiny sprite, and we often walk most of the way to the market and back (about a mile and half) . . . we just have to allow two hours instead of 45 minutes.  If we have to do something reasonably quickly, we have to either drive or listen to her scream in the stroller the entire time.
Overall she's still a pretty good eater, though she will reject all nutritious foods if there's pasta or bread anywhere in the room.  Also, she has entered the phase of mysterious toddler metabolism by which she will sometimes eat nothing for two or three days at a time and still grow like a weed.

A rosy-cheeked, smiley, pigtailed weed.  


  1. Your 18-month-old is at least 6 months older than my 18-month-olds.


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