
My baby girl is TWO!  It seems like I should be writing up her first birthday report.  Perhaps it's because the last year with her has been so lovely.  The pleasant times always fly by, don't they?

Ingrid has been the most delightful of toddlers.  She wasn't a terrible baby by any means, but she was relentlessly clingy.  Nobody puts baby in the corner.  Or on the floor.  Or in the saucer.  Or in her crib. That was rough for me as I transitioned from working full-time to being with the kids full-time.

But the last year with her has been wonderful.  You may have noticed this as a theme from her monthly updates.  She has grown more independent but is still a sweet, good-natured companion who loves to have all of her people close by.  She likes to do what we're doing, yet she's quite good at working on something by herself while I do something else in the same room (much better than a certain older sibling who shall remain nameless).  She still gives the best snuggles and cuddles, which is good, because squeezing her little soft-solid toddler body is the most satisfying feeling in the world.

She has started using the words "sometimes," "probably," and "maybe," big-kid words that sound so comical in her tiny-girl voice that it tickles me every time.  She has a great fake-laugh that sounds like she's shouting "HAHA" and her real laugh is alternately high and squealy or low and chuckly.  When she runs, her whole body is bouncy, but especially her hair.  Her thighs are still scrumptious, but they're a far cry from what they used to be.  She'll be a skinny preschooler by this time next year.

Ingrid imitates her beloved big brother in ways big and small.  Her natural state is pretty mellow and serious, but she's funny and silly when he's around.  I sometimes wonder if we would see that side of her if it weren't for Henry, and I'm grateful that they get along so well and have had so much time together for the last two years.  She tries to be funny in the same way that he is funny, which is to say, she gets slapstick rowdy and makes poop jokes.  Of course, she works some magic on him too.  Superhero play wouldn't end with princess dress puzzles without the little sister.

We had a very nice day of birthday festivities with all of Ingrid's favorite things.  Chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.  Morning "splashing in the mountains."  Lunch from Chipotle.  A walk to the market for provisions.  Dinner of pasta and ice cream cake, with repeated candle-blowings, followed by presents from the family.

I pulled these photos from our Vermont trip and couldn't decide which ones to keep.  For every photo, Karl and I both said, "That's such an Ingrid face."  In honor of her birthday, you get them all.

Happy birthday to our sweet, cuddly, silly, squishy, book-loving, chatter-box, curly-haired, darling little girl!


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