Four Months

Is there anything cuter than a four month old?   I think not.

Heidi continues to be a delightful baby.  I would like to eat her up.

She has mostly been sleeping from 7:30 to 7:00.  The past few mornings, she has woken at 5:45, which is not great, but at least she goes right back to bed if I feed her.  I can put her in bed awake and she'll settle on her own.  Daytime naps are all over the place.  Sometimes it's five 30-minute naps, sometimes it's two 2-hour naps.

Her only shortcoming is that she screams horrible screams when we get in the car.  She screamed so loudly all the way from Minneapolis to Northfield that Karl bought a new carseat in Northfield.  We thought something in the seat had to be causing her pain.  Alas, she screamed all the way back to Minneapolis too.  And almost every time she's been in the car since we got home.  This may seriously impede our summer road trip plans.

She's a thumb-sucker!  First Reitzling to love the thumb.  She goes straight for it when she is tired or sad and trying to soothe herself.

As soon as I put her on a flat surface, she rolls onto her belly.  But she can't get back over yet, which sometimes results in frustrated squawking.  All the kids have had this phase, which should really have a name.  I suggest the "prone pterodactyl" milestone.  We had a few days where she didn't sleep very well because she was getting stuck on her stomach.  Luckily, she seems to have accepted stomach-sleeping and is back to her usual awesome-sleeper self.

She loves the bath and has discovered that flapping her arms and legs results in a very satisfying splashy sound.  She's also madly in love with the Mustela shampoo bottle and goes wild when she sees it.

We set up the exersaucer and she likes it.  It usually keeps her occupied long enough for me to make dinner.  Ingrid makes sure she doesn't get lonely while she's in there.

She discovered her toes.  They are fascinating and delicious.

She has big, huge smiles for all of us and great giggly laughs.  She loves being smiled at, silly noises, nom noms on her belly, and doing funny things with her feet.  She smiles with her whole body; you can tell she's happy even when you're looking at her back.  I don't think these pictures actually capture how big her smile is.

Henry is the most hilarious of all.  We point her seat toward him at dinner time and she laughs just to look at him.

Four months is when I went back to work after Henry was born.  It was necessary at the time, but I can't imagine going off every day and leaving this baby.  I'm enjoying her so enormously and savoring her small sweetness.  It will probably be the great pleasure of my life to spend my days with these little people while they are small.


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