Six Months

Oh, this baby.  Isn't she a doll?

Our Heidi (aka Heidi-Roo, HeidiMyBabe, and The Rooster) continues to be a most delightful baby.  She is so cuddly, so funny, and such a presence in the family.  I can't believe six months has gone by so quickly, and yet I can't remember not having her.

It's funny that she feels so familiar, and yet we don't know what she will look like.  Ingrid still had dark hair at this age!  So who knows how this little chick will turn out.

She has only two volumes: silent and shrieking.  You've got to turn it up loud to be heard when your older siblings are Henry and Ingrid.

The big kids continue to adore her and occasionally fight over who gets to hug her first.  Henry is more patient with her and more responsive if she is upset.  Ingrid seeks her out more often but gets more irritated when Heidi doesn't do what she wants her to do.  They're both remarkably good at ignoring her hysterics in the car.  They love on her, lay on her, lick her, affectionately abuse her, and get mad if anyone else maltreats her.  Basically just treat her like one of the crew.

She has fallen into a fairly consistent daily routine of 2 long naps and one cat-nap.  As long as we don't ride roughshod over her schedule in order to get all of us out of the house, it would go like this:

6:30ish -- Awake.  Nurse.  Be absolutely delightful for precisely 90 minutes.
8:00 -- Nurse.  Naptime until 10:00.
10:00 -- Awake.  Happy to be tagging along with whatever the big kids are doing.  Nurse on the fly in a public place around 11:00.
12:00 -- Twenty-minute cat-nap in the Ergo or car while we're out and about.  Awake again through lunch and Ingrid's nap routine, but more inclined to squawk if not being held constantly.
2:30 -- Nurse and nap.
4:30 -- Awake.  Delightful again until dinnertime.
6:00-6:30 -- Shriek loudly until dinner appears.  Throw many spoons and cups at dinner while inhaling impressive amounts of mush.
7:00 -- Naked time and/or bath.  Gleefully try to drown self in the bathtub.
7:30 -- Curtain call.  Rock bands and seven-gun salutes cannot keep the child awake past 7:45.

Layer this over the big kids' demands and my day looks something like this:

 photo whack-a-mole-o_zpsjzv9dqu9.gif

I think she is going to be a daredevil.  She loves to be tossed in the air and flipped upside down.  She is generally very physical -- at 6.5 months, she can already get from lying down to sitting to hands and knees and back again.  She's working very hard at scooting even though I absolutely forbade her getting mobile before the other kids start back to school.  She also likes a rousing game of peek-a-boo and some anticipation when I tickle her belly.

She still sucks her thumb and loves to rock before bed.  We have shifted to nursing before she goes down instead of when she wakes up, but she doesn't nurse to sleep like the other kids did.  She eats quickly and then snuggles against my chest with the left thumb in her mouth.  It's the most wonderful cuddly time when I get to just enjoy her soft baby-ness.

Half a year, baby.  It's going way too fast.


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