Two Months

Look, a baby!  Not at all a newborn anymore.

He's turning into a satisfyingly sturdy little chunk.  We were trying to figure out where he was hiding his weight since he wasn't very long at birth, and he has super skinny legs.  Apparently it is all in his huge noggin.  >99th percentile, baby!  With his giant round head and big milk belly and skinny legs, he has an adorable inverted snowman thing going on.  

We were just getting into the swing of things at the end of January and seeing the beginnings of a daily routine.  Then the Stomach Thing hit and we've had someone barfing on and off for the last three weeks.  At one point Heidi covered herself, me, the baby, and the couch in one blow, thereby raising my (already very high) bar for parenting grossness.

So I guess we had about two normal weeks since this baby was born two months ago.  Maybe 25% normal is all one can hope for with the fourth kid?

Shortly before the barfing incident.

Anyway, we're already getting a sense of his personality.  He's a lot more like Ingrid.  He wants to be held all the time, prefers to eat upon waking rather than before falling asleep, gets stressed by a lot of noise and hubbub, and is super stubborn.  We've been trying to give him bottles because my milk supply is near zero with the Stomach Thing, and he would simply rather go hungry than drink perfectly nice breastmilk from a bottle.  I said I was having a hard time picturing the other babies' faces; then I tried to give Fritz a bottle, and hey! There's baby Ingrid drinking a bottle face.

Bedtime is still going well.  Fritz is usually fussy during dinner and I think we're going to lose him, but then we move into naked time and bath time and he perks right up.  My goal is to make naked time last until 7:30, bath time until 7:45, and getting dressed, nursed, rocked, and put to bed by 8:15.  If we're on this schedule he usually sleeps until 3:30, eats, and goes quickly back to sleep until 7:15.  Every now and then he goes crazy and sleeps through until 5:00, but then it's a little tougher to get him to go back to sleep.

Bathtime is super fun.  Henry always did his mass movement flailing on the changing table; Fritz saves his for the bath.  He locks eye contact with one of the toys or the ceiling light and splashes around with joyful intensity.  It looks for all the world like he's trying to do the backstroke.

We had a few freakishly warm days this month and got to spend some time outside.  Baby seemed thoroughly confused by that giant blue thing up above him and the air moving around.  Poor winter baby doesn't get out much.

Do these short sleeves make my belly look big?
We're looking forward to more smiles, more sleeping, and more playtime this month!

Baby power!


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