Eight Months

Have you seen Boss Baby?  The older kids are obsessed with it.  And now I can't look at Fritz without hearing the voice of Alec Baldwin.

So we did the obvious thing and bought him a suit.  Halloween is coming.

Fritz seems much bigger this month -- both growing like a weed and acting much more like a big baby.  He still can't move around but now clearly knows he's supposed to.   If he's sitting on the floor and something rolls out of his reach, he lunges for it and tries to work his knees in that direction.  I think the golden days of being able to set him down and leave him like a piece of luggage are numbered.

He's eating TONS of table food.  We passed quickly from the mush phase to the small dice phase, and he likes everything, so he now eats pretty much whatever we eat.  Last night he crushed some cauliflower rice, asparagus, and sous vide lamb.  Totally normal baby food.  And not bad for having only two teeny bottom teeth and one barely-there top tooth.

Speaking of teething, I made him these adorable baby popsicles because I thought they'd feel good on his gums.  Fail.

With all that new food, he's down to nursing four times a day (or five, if he wakes up in the night).  We nurse when he wakes up, before each nap, and before bed.  This is the point when nursing is just lovely and doesn't impose upon our daytime activities at all.  We're only nursing when we're cuddled up anyway.

His nights are still less predictable than I would like, but he's generally down from 7:45 to 6:30 with one wake-up.   Day times are solid.  Morning nap at 9:00 (sometimes up to two hours!) and afternoon nap at 2:00 or 2:30, depending on how long he slept in the morning.  With each kid, we've had one summer in which the two-nap schedule cramps our daytime activities, but it's much less confining this year now that we have a yard for the rest of us to play in.  Funny to think that next summer Fritz will be a walking, talking, one-napping toddler and we can spend all morning, every morning at the pool.

Fritz has become the neighborhood mascot this summer.  Henry and Ingrid and all their friends are very conscientious about being quiet upstairs when he's napping and they all race to get him out of bed when he wakes up.  He grins at all the big kids and wants to be carried around to watch their shenanigans.  Henry and Luke built him a cardboard baby house.  Heidi dotes on him all the time and coos, "chubby little baby!" while patting his cheeks and squishing his legs.  We occasionally discuss shuffling the bedroom arrangements and all three kids want to share a room with Fritz.

He is starting to communicate with us and make his preferences known.  When he wants more of something or another round of pat-a-cake, he flaps his arms and kicks his legs.  When he's done with food, he flails backwards.  He's learned the classic baby move of making his body totally rigid so that I can't put him in his car seat.  And he makes all kinds of adorable babbling noises and excited shrieks.  He screams at the top of his lungs every time Heidi scooters down the driveway.

His sad lip is comical.  I spend a lot of time trying to capture The Lip in all its glory.

He's a sweet, genial little man and we've been enjoying his company as he becomes a greater presence in the family.  Karl has been getting up with him when he wakes early and misses him if he has to go to work too early for them to hang out.  I've been enjoying his sweet smiles, fluffy curls on the nape of his neck, and beautiful sleeping face.  He's delicious.


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