Baby's First Christmas: St. Louis Edition
After a lovely week in Minnesota, we headed south to continue the holiday festivities. Grandma Jane had the loft decked out in fine Christmas style, complete with a tree laden with the Hallmark ornaments and the beloved overstuffed stockings.
We all got some excellent presents, but seriously, the biggest hit of the week was this cat that Grandma Jane drew on a paper plate. It entertained him for a solid two hours in the car on the way back to D.C.
Hal also got to meet high school friends Jen, Chris, and Kira, though I was derelict with the camera and didn't get any pictures. Jen brought him a super cool sock monkey and Curious George book.
It was overall a much-needed week of relaxation, what with 29 hours of driving behind us and Karl recovering from the tonsillitis/pink-eye/ear-infection tri-fecta. I was also battling some sort of pinched nerve in my leg, so Mom (ahem, Grandma) and I got massages. We did a little shopping, exchanged some three- and six-month clothes for larger sizes, and visited Grandpa at the Apple store.**
Karl and I also took advantage of the extremely eager babysitters and went out to dinner...wait for ourselves. I think we did really well. We only talked about the baby for 45 of the 60 minutes we were away, and only texted once to check up on them.

I *guess* they can be trusted with my kid.
**This post brought to you by my snazzy new MacBook Pro.
We all got some excellent presents, but seriously, the biggest hit of the week was this cat that Grandma Jane drew on a paper plate. It entertained him for a solid two hours in the car on the way back to D.C.
Hello, kitty.
The baby had another full social calendar, graciously entertaining friends Randy and MaryAnn, Jan Crites, Bobby Lautenschlager, and Randy and Becky Pierce, plus Great-Aunt Amy and well-named Ray.Hal also got to meet high school friends Jen, Chris, and Kira, though I was derelict with the camera and didn't get any pictures. Jen brought him a super cool sock monkey and Curious George book.
It was overall a much-needed week of relaxation, what with 29 hours of driving behind us and Karl recovering from the tonsillitis/pink-eye/ear-infection tri-fecta. I was also battling some sort of pinched nerve in my leg, so Mom (ahem, Grandma) and I got massages. We did a little shopping, exchanged some three- and six-month clothes for larger sizes, and visited Grandpa at the Apple store.**
Karl and I also took advantage of the extremely eager babysitters and went out to dinner...wait for ourselves. I think we did really well. We only talked about the baby for 45 of the 60 minutes we were away, and only texted once to check up on them.
I *guess* they can be trusted with my kid.
We left St. Louis on New Year's Eve and spent the night in a hotel in Columbus. Though we were sad to leave the grandparents behind, tired of driving, and irritated by the young whippersnappers who thought it was appropriate to engage in revelry until after midnight on New Year's Eve, it was sort of a sweet way to close 2010 and start 2011. Just our little family snuggled up close together.
**This post brought to you by my snazzy new MacBook Pro.
Do you have any hopes or expectations for Henry? Karl's already teaching him about football :p