Weekend Away

Karl and I had dueling bi-coastal weddings last weekend, so g/g Carol and Dave came to D.C. to stay with Henry.  The weekend was the first time I've ever left him overnight, and constituted two of the three times I've ever missed bedtime at all, so I was very nervous about the whole operation. 

Honestly, I missed my guys, but the weekend was such a whirlwind that I didn't have time to be as weepy and neurotic as I had expected.  I had a major filing at work on Friday then got up early on Saturday for my flight to San Francisco, while Karl got on the road to New York.  The nine-hour trip was a slog because I was bone-tired but still couldn't manage to sleep on the plane.  I got to San Francisco just in time to get some lunch, meet up with my college friends, shower and dress for the wedding.  Then Sunday morning, I had a quick brunch with the friends and headed right back to SFO for my return flight.  It felt more like a night out with the girls (with a really hellish commute) than an actual weekend away. 

Carol and Dave seemed to have a great weekend in our absence.  I felt bad that we were leaving them with Henry at his worst -- he cut two new teeth this week and has been much grumpier than normal.  I was also nervous that he wouldn't remember Carol and Dave and would be upset that Karl and I were gone, but Henry seems to be genetically programmed to love his grands even after not seeing them for several months.  Carol and Dave seemed to fare just as well with the cranky little man as Karl and I would have.  They discovered that he actually loves sitting at the dining room table during grown-up dinner (no more meals at the coffee table for us!).  Our nosy/wonderful neighbor reported that they took a lot of walks.   And they had the good sense to call Karl instead of me when they had questions.

I hope we don't have to leave Henry very often, but it is nice to know that there are plenty of loving grandparents just waiting for us to get the heck out of town.


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