The Braden Estate On Red Lake
After we booked our trip to Minnesota for Gene's party, we realized that work was going to be slow for both of us in August and the nanny was going to need that week off anyway, so we decided to take a little vacation. Henry's a nice guy and all, but flying with him doesn't exactly contribute to a feeling of profound relaxation, so we decided to capitalize on already being in Minnesota and spend our vacation time there. We pushed our return flights back by six days, and Julia’s family was nice enough to offer up their cabin in northern Wisconsin for the week.
Henry had been a little wound up while we were in Minneapolis, and by “wound up,” I mean he spent 45 minutes in shrieking hysterics every time we tried to put him down to sleep. It was a lot of excitement in a strange place for the little guy. We drove up to the cabin and he instantaneously went into chill-baby mode. It was like he knew the cabin is the most relaxing place on Earth. He was happy and mellow the whole time we were there.
I am not a morning person by nature (understatement alert!). But over the years I have grudgingly come to admit that good things happen before 7a.m., including my best swim practices and getting a table at the crowded breakfast restaurants. Now that I have Henry, I find we have some of our pleasantest times together in the early morning. On our first morning at the cabin, I got up early with Henry and we walked down to sit on the dock. The sun was still low and sparkling on the water, the birds were chirping, the breeze was blowing little waves in the lake, and then a bald eagle took off from the pine tree right over our heads. Even Henry seemed to appreciate how quiet and lovely it was.
We spent the week splashing in the lake, lounging in the hammock, and generally doing nothing. Much to my personal gratification as a swimmer and and terror as a mother, Henry is surprisingly brave in the water – he wanted to put his face in the water over and over again, and would have launched himself off the dock if we’d let him. He also mastered the 360 on the tube and got outside the wake on the water skis, but we told him he was too young to drive the boat.
I realized how little time the three of us normally spend together, especially together just relaxing. I get time with Henry, and Karl gets time with Henry, and Karl and I get time together, but the time that all three of us spend together each week usually involves a lot of rushing around and errand-running and logistical whatnot. I was eager for the time away from work, but it turned out that four days to just hang out together was the most wonderful part of vacationing.
I can see why so many families in Minnesota have cabins. Sun, woods, fresh air, and water seems to be an unbeatable combination for happy (and long-napping) children. Thanks, Braden family, for sharing the cabin with us again!
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