Gold Standard Parenting

Henry is a happy, good-natured guy most of the time.  Like 99% of the time.  But every now and then he breaks into hysterics, basically for no reason at all (I'm not counting justified tears, like when he bonks his head).  It's probably the beginning of great big toddler emotions like frustration.  On the rare occasion when his natural sunniness gets overshadowed, it's just tragic.  So we started doing what any good parents would do.

Take pictures.

Here are his responses to various forms of parental torture:

Moving him away from the power cords.
Sitting in the car seat.
Posed family photos.

Being dried.

The indignity of forced pajama-wearing.

Being cuddled.

It's somewhat comical because he switches from gleefully happy to soul-crushingly sad in zero seconds flat.  Look at these pictures.  He goes from eager inquisitiveness to squinty-eyed rage without even moving his arms.

I guess those big emotions are awfully close together when they're smushed into such a little body.

We now return to our regularly-scheduled compassion for his baby feelings.  Which we take very, very seriously.


  1. Life is tough at that age...your every need is ignored, you have to just play and eat and be taken care of, you have to be carried, someone feeds you. This is tough stuff to deal with.

  2. Ah yes, the tantrums. Try not to laugh, I dare you.

  3. Just looking at the pictures makes me laugh. I think you should add thought bubbles and fill in captions. Picture three: "OH NO, I think they just said they could eat me up!"


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