Halloween: Hurricane Edition

Costume inspiration did not come as easily this year as it did last year.  I hemmed and hawed and looked around for weeks and didn't really come up with any ideas that I loved for either kid.  We considered making Ingrid a snowman because she recently achieved perfect three-stacked-balls proportions and then decided it would probably give her body issues at age 15.  Lacking any better ideas, I ordered a butterfly costume that looked pretty cute.  I decided to make Henry a cowboy, not because he has any idea what a cowboy is, but because when he's acting like a nutter I often say, "Whoa, cowboy!" and he'd been getting a lot of "whoa, cowboys" lately.  He also really loves boots and hats.

Ingrid's costume  arrived and it was so ungodly ugly that I could not bear to put it on her.  The wings weren't so bad, but the body and hat were made of this unspeakable pink fuzzy stuff that even put Pattonville drill team uniforms to shame.  It was also so large that Henry might have been able to wear it. 

And then Hurricane Sandy hit and all the carriers stopped delivering for four days.  As of the morning of the 31st, no part of Henry's costume had arrived.

Mommy/Amazon/weather fail.

Ingrid's butterfly costume got some triage treatment: I cut off the hideous pink suit, re-attached the wings to a brown footie sleeper, removed the antennae from the pink hat, made a brown stretchy headband, and sewed the antennae to the headband.  Presto!  Adorable squishy butterfly.

Henry had NOTHING to wear until Karl, in his genius, remembered that Henry had a Cardinals jersey and cap -- perhaps we could make something of that?  Carol and I made a run for Target and found the last pair of white pants left in the whole store (size 5T leggings from the girls' department), plus a cute foam bat and ball, et la voila -- a baseball player!  Would have been awesomer if the Cardinals were in the Series, but we couldn't be picky.

Henry loved his costume!  He even demanded to wear his "baseball pants" the next day.  And yes, I let him rock those dirt- and chocolate-smeared girly leggings the next day. 

The other hurricane side effect was that all the airports were shut down, so Carol and Dave, who had planned to stop through DC on the way home from Philly and leave on Monday, were stranded with us until Thursday and got to partake in Halloween.  It was great to have them -- if you're going to be stuck indoors with two kids for three days, let me tell you, four adults is better than two.  Plus everyone should experience Capitol Hill Halloween at least once.


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