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Weekend Randoms
- We did absolutely nothing all weekend and it was amazing. We didn't even leave the house except to walk Izzy. Nobody changed out of pajamas -- we each went through about four pairs of pajamas (see below), but no pants with real waistbands were seen for two days.
- Henry puked all over both me and Karl this morning. This was the first time in his life that he has thrown up. I'm grateful our kids are ordinarily so healthy because, man, that was nasty.
- Karl and I both suffered Ingrid poo-tastrophes. Seems absurd to put a four month old in size 4 diapers, but I guess it's time.
- Despite the morning vomit, Henry was a total delight for the rest of the day. When he's fun, he's just so fun. All kinds of giggles and tickles and tackles and singing today. For several weeks around his birthday, he was really being kind of a twit, and we thought that he was Turning Two in the worst possible way. But then we realized he had been low-grade sick almost nonstop for a month, and he cut new molars, and the schedule was a little crazy. It's so nice to see that he is still a fantastic little man when he's in his element.
- He has a comedy routine with Karl in which Karl asks, "Who's my favorite guy?" and Henry answers, "Ravi," with a smirk. Repeat with a couple of different answers until he finally shouts, "HENRY!" and cracks himself up.
- Ingrid finally took a bottle! Hallelujah! When Carol was here, she mentioned that baby Karl would only drink formula from a bottle. Boobs are for milk. Bottles are for formula. Everything must be orderly. So I bought a can of formula and gave it a shot -- and she drank it! I'm going to be ruthless about giving her a bottle every day so that it sticks.
- I must have jinxed it by writing about it, because Ingrid is back to screaming angry rage at bedtime. She has been fighting it again for the last four nights, after two straight weeks of going down without a peep. Sigh. Two steps forward, one step back.
- Ingrid totally loves watching football with her Daddy. Karl is very hopeful that he will actually have someone to watch with. Ten years, and he still hasn't managed to get me interested, and when Henry sees football on TV, he says, "Watch golf?"

After reading your post about wearing pajamas all weekend, I have a suggestion for you. A friend of mine has an interesting Thanksgiving tradition. Her entire family (grandparents, parents, and children) wears pajamas all day on Thanksgiving Day. They figure that they will overeat and will want the elastic waistbands, then they will all nap in the afternoon and will be more comfy in their jammies anyway. You could start a family tradition ...