Five Months
Miss Ingrid seems much different than a month ago. Sometime between four months and five, she completed the transformation from snuggly lump to big baby. She is fully engaged with toys and people and, while generally agreeable, has more (loud) opinions on things.
We had a rather rough start to the month with extensive sleep terrorist antics. For awhile she insisted on being carried around all day long. Plus she was waking up multiple times in the night again, and all attempts at soothing her in any manner other than nursing only resulted in her flailing her limbs and screaming like some sort of enraged starfish. I eventually gave up trying and let her cry it out. I hate doing that, but I hate tired babies and mommies even more. She's back to sleeping nine or ten hours again and we all finished the month very pleasantly.
She is starting to wiggle and inch her way toward scooting. It doesn't seem like she can do anything that would actually result in meaningful movement, but if I leave her alone on the floor for several minutes, she always ends up facing another direction and at least a couple of inches away. She can sit up unassisted for several seconds and with minimal support indefinitely, but still can't roll from front to back. Good thing she likes being on her tummy.
She is using her hands very intentionally and loves patting things with texture. When I go to fetch her from the crib, I often find her stroking the velour crib sheet with her long fingers. She loves patting my face and does it delicately, like she's trying to memorize my features -- when Henry went through this phase, it was like being facepalmed (though Ingrid does like to smack my chest repeatedly while she eats). She also likes to grab my hair and suck on my face. There's usually an awkward amount of tongue involved.
Ingrid is still very chatty and now incorporates a lot of raspberries in her conversations. She also has a funny complaining voice that sounds more like she's giving us what-for than like actual crying -- like she's shouting "MEH MEH MEH" while exposing all of her lower gums.
She adores Henry and Izzy and give them both big belly laughs when they act crazy. She wants nothing more than to pat them but, alas, they're both pretty indifferent to the baby. Her other favorite pastime is being bounced on our knees -- the wilder the ride, the better.
For the most part, she is still napping three times a day, for between 43 and 47 minutes. She's like a napping egg-timer. But every now and then she powers through for another sleep cycle and drops one nap, which gives me hope that she will fall into a two-nap schedule pretty soon without much coaxing from me.
In some ways, this was my first real fifth month, since by this time with Henry I was back to work and missing out on all the smaller ins and outs of this age. It's lovely to watch her change every day.
We had a rather rough start to the month with extensive sleep terrorist antics. For awhile she insisted on being carried around all day long. Plus she was waking up multiple times in the night again, and all attempts at soothing her in any manner other than nursing only resulted in her flailing her limbs and screaming like some sort of enraged starfish. I eventually gave up trying and let her cry it out. I hate doing that, but I hate tired babies and mommies even more. She's back to sleeping nine or ten hours again and we all finished the month very pleasantly.
She is starting to wiggle and inch her way toward scooting. It doesn't seem like she can do anything that would actually result in meaningful movement, but if I leave her alone on the floor for several minutes, she always ends up facing another direction and at least a couple of inches away. She can sit up unassisted for several seconds and with minimal support indefinitely, but still can't roll from front to back. Good thing she likes being on her tummy.
Quality reading material. |
Henry walked by. Much more interesting than this book. |
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Mommy, why is grandma's granite so much shinier than yours? |
She is using her hands very intentionally and loves patting things with texture. When I go to fetch her from the crib, I often find her stroking the velour crib sheet with her long fingers. She loves patting my face and does it delicately, like she's trying to memorize my features -- when Henry went through this phase, it was like being facepalmed (though Ingrid does like to smack my chest repeatedly while she eats). She also likes to grab my hair and suck on my face. There's usually an awkward amount of tongue involved.
Ingrid is still very chatty and now incorporates a lot of raspberries in her conversations. She also has a funny complaining voice that sounds more like she's giving us what-for than like actual crying -- like she's shouting "MEH MEH MEH" while exposing all of her lower gums.
She adores Henry and Izzy and give them both big belly laughs when they act crazy. She wants nothing more than to pat them but, alas, they're both pretty indifferent to the baby. Her other favorite pastime is being bounced on our knees -- the wilder the ride, the better.
For the most part, she is still napping three times a day, for between 43 and 47 minutes. She's like a napping egg-timer. But every now and then she powers through for another sleep cycle and drops one nap, which gives me hope that she will fall into a two-nap schedule pretty soon without much coaxing from me.
In some ways, this was my first real fifth month, since by this time with Henry I was back to work and missing out on all the smaller ins and outs of this age. It's lovely to watch her change every day.
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