Nine Months
Ingrid was an absolute gem of an eight month old. Isn't this the cutest, squishiest, curliest, rosiest little cuddlebug you've ever seen? At one point this month Karl made a totally unsolicited offer to buy her a pony.
Loads of new, adorable skills this month: crawling, waving, and clapping galore, plus a few successful pulling-ups in the past week. She loves to hand us objects and "feed" me at dinner.
She chose her lovey this month -- the winner is the pink kitty. I had been rotating a couple of small items through her crib each night and kitty was the only one that she consistently carried around the crib as she moved around in the night. Everything else got ignored. She palms it by the head (as seen in the photo) and carries it around for much of the day. I already bought two extras.
We had a girls' trip to Seattle to see baby Alden and attend my Judge's clerk reunion. I was nervous about it, to say the least. We flew Henry to Seattle at exactly the same age and it was one of my least-favorite parenting moments of all time -- and Karl was with me on that trip. Plus I was planning to put Ingrid to bed and then go out for the reunion events, and I was scared that she would wake up in a strange place and go nuclear on poor Eric and Julia. Baby was a total rock star. She didn't sleep for as much of the flights as I had hoped, but she was perfectly delightful and made lots of friends on the plane. She stayed asleep after I left for the big party. She loved "Grandma-Aunties" Jan and Linda and would have happily sucked on Alden's head all day.
Close on the heels of our Seattle trip, we all went to Williamsburg for Leslie's wedding and then to Virginia Beach for a week with Karl's folks. Incidentally, I consider getting all of us packed for an event weekend plus a week at the beach, loading the car, and getting myself and two children and a dog to Williamsburg by myself (Karl was in China) perhaps my greatest parenting feat of all time. No surprise, Ingrid loved cousin Teresa instantly and warmed up to the other relations after a few days. She was an unholy terror in the hotel -- by the time she hit 90 minutes of continuous screaming at 2 a.m., I had given up hope of ever sleeping again and was just praying the bride wasn't in the room right below us. Then we moved to the beach house and, perhaps sensing that we were about to go all Ferber on her little self, slept 12 hours every night. Her first trip to the beach was a bust in the beach department -- it was too cold and windy for her to really even get out of the Ergo, so she didn't get a chance to eat any sand.
She's been on a sleep strike for the past week, but if I'd written this update on time a week ago, then I would have said she'd been sleeping like a champ. Twelve hours every night and two solid naps a day. This is why it's extra frustrating when she doesn't sleep . . . I know she can.
She decided in Seattle that finger-food is awesome after all, and after progressing rapidly through foods that were easy to prep and gum-smash, she is now eating basically everything that we eat. Hooray for small-dice! She looooooooves fish and meat, beans, and vegetables. Fruits are hit or miss. Bananas: still poison.
She currently has five teeth. Alas, they're coming in in the wrong order (two bottom, then three top, with another top one clearly on the way), so we should probably start saving now for orthodontia. One of the center top ones came in quite awhile before the other, so for much of the month, she had a pirate thing going on. Cutest pirate ever.
Loads of new, adorable skills this month: crawling, waving, and clapping galore, plus a few successful pulling-ups in the past week. She loves to hand us objects and "feed" me at dinner.
She chose her lovey this month -- the winner is the pink kitty. I had been rotating a couple of small items through her crib each night and kitty was the only one that she consistently carried around the crib as she moved around in the night. Everything else got ignored. She palms it by the head (as seen in the photo) and carries it around for much of the day. I already bought two extras.
We had a girls' trip to Seattle to see baby Alden and attend my Judge's clerk reunion. I was nervous about it, to say the least. We flew Henry to Seattle at exactly the same age and it was one of my least-favorite parenting moments of all time -- and Karl was with me on that trip. Plus I was planning to put Ingrid to bed and then go out for the reunion events, and I was scared that she would wake up in a strange place and go nuclear on poor Eric and Julia. Baby was a total rock star. She didn't sleep for as much of the flights as I had hoped, but she was perfectly delightful and made lots of friends on the plane. She stayed asleep after I left for the big party. She loved "Grandma-Aunties" Jan and Linda and would have happily sucked on Alden's head all day.
Close on the heels of our Seattle trip, we all went to Williamsburg for Leslie's wedding and then to Virginia Beach for a week with Karl's folks. Incidentally, I consider getting all of us packed for an event weekend plus a week at the beach, loading the car, and getting myself and two children and a dog to Williamsburg by myself (Karl was in China) perhaps my greatest parenting feat of all time. No surprise, Ingrid loved cousin Teresa instantly and warmed up to the other relations after a few days. She was an unholy terror in the hotel -- by the time she hit 90 minutes of continuous screaming at 2 a.m., I had given up hope of ever sleeping again and was just praying the bride wasn't in the room right below us. Then we moved to the beach house and, perhaps sensing that we were about to go all Ferber on her little self, slept 12 hours every night. Her first trip to the beach was a bust in the beach department -- it was too cold and windy for her to really even get out of the Ergo, so she didn't get a chance to eat any sand.
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She's been on a sleep strike for the past week, but if I'd written this update on time a week ago, then I would have said she'd been sleeping like a champ. Twelve hours every night and two solid naps a day. This is why it's extra frustrating when she doesn't sleep . . . I know she can.
She decided in Seattle that finger-food is awesome after all, and after progressing rapidly through foods that were easy to prep and gum-smash, she is now eating basically everything that we eat. Hooray for small-dice! She looooooooves fish and meat, beans, and vegetables. Fruits are hit or miss. Bananas: still poison.
She currently has five teeth. Alas, they're coming in in the wrong order (two bottom, then three top, with another top one clearly on the way), so we should probably start saving now for orthodontia. One of the center top ones came in quite awhile before the other, so for much of the month, she had a pirate thing going on. Cutest pirate ever.
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