Winter: A Lament

It was 70 degrees out today, but the low tomorrow is going to be 23, and we all have head colds, just because this interminable winter wanted to make sure to get one last jab in before declaring victory and strutting away.  This winter -- we are so over it.

Back when I went to the office every day, the difference between summer and winter basically boiled down to light gray versus dark gray suits.  I wasn't expecting how much the weather would matter to me when I started staying home with the kids.  If I'm expecting sun and it rains instead, it drastically alters our day.  When the weather is warm, it takes us 15 minutes and minimal whining to get out the door.  If it's cold, it's 45 minutes of bundling up to be rewarded with endless whining. 

I still force us out of the house nearly every day because we all go nutty staying at home, but it's a slog.  Walking is our primary mode of transportation, so even indoor activities require the bundling and the whining.  Ingrid despises both being cold and wearing winter clothes.  I absolutely feel the same way, but I'm old enough to appreciate the conundrum and put on my GD mittens.  Henry doesn't mind gloves but hates changing out of pajamas and leaving the house.  We walked six blocks to the library this week and Ingrid wailed the whole way, "I code!  Hands code!  Too code!  Mommy, too code!"

We made it outside after one of the February snows to test the new sled and build a snowman.  Super cute photo opportunity.  But it took us an hour to get everyone dressed, 45 minutes to walk/sled/stumble the 100 yards to the park, and someone was screaming or whining virtually the whole way there and back.  

It's a good thing the kids only seem to remember the snowman part.  Me?  I'm ready for the days when we can throw on some sandals and walk out the door. 

Winter 2014, you can go now.  Don't let the polar vortex hit you on your way out.


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