Big Kid Stuff

I forgot to mention it in Henry's 3.25 post, but he finally kicked the bottle just after Christmas.  After he shot down the pediatrician's suggestion that he was too old for a bottle, I offered to let him pick out any cup at the store if he would give up the bottles.  He ever-so-politely declined and I didn't mention it again.  Then, a couple weeks later, he suddenly said he wanted to go get big boy cups.  We jumped in the car and drove straight to Target even though it was 20 minutes before Ingrid's naptime.  He found the Avengers cups so quickly they might as well have had a homing signal.  And that was that.  He hasn't asked for a bottle again.

He's learning how to pump on the swings.  We took advantage of one random warm day last month to visit the big park with the swings.  One of the nearby elementary schools had their second graders there for recess, and the big kids showed him how to swing himself.

His 5-year-old buddy who lives two houses away got a new bike and brought Henry his old one.  Henry had been asking for a pedal bike (he currently cruises on a balance bike), so this came like a manna from heaven.  It took him about half an hour to figure out the pedaling motion.  He hasn't gotten up much speed yet -- he needs more practice and the bike needs a little oil -- but he's really excited to start tearing around the park with the big boys.

I bought his spring t-shirts.  Size 5T.  The last little-kid size.  


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