Potty Talk

In other Ingrid news -- she's potty trained!  We did our boot camp while the boys were gone to Seattle a couple of weeks ago.  Ingrid had been increasingly interested in the potty and increasingly resistant to diapers (i.e. screaming bloody murder every time I tried to change her).  It seemed like an ideal time to make the push, while Henry was away, so that I could focus just on Ingrid's bodily functions.

We stayed very close to home for the first few days.  I put her on the potty about every hour.  She figured out the mechanics very quickly and figured out the candy rewards soon thereafter.   She didn't have any accidents at all if she was commando under her dresses, and was about 75/25 if she was wearing underwear.  By the end of the week, we were going out into the field for our usual activities and Ingrid was pottying like a champ at every public restroom and grassy spot in the neighborhood. 

For my readers whose kids will be potty training soon, you need this

We just finished week 3, which is the toughest week.  I've stopped paying such close attention and only occasionally remind her to go, which means more accidents than we had at the very beginning.  I remember thinking at this point with Henry that he was regressing and maybe we should throw in the towel.  This time, I knew it was coming, and realize that this is the important week -- she's learning to recognize on her own when it's time to go, and learning to hold it when she can't go right away.  She is doing really well and can go a few hours between trips to the bathroom now.

We donated all the daytime diapers to a neighbor and are declaring victory.  We're very proud of the little lady!


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