23 Months

It's Ingrid's last monthly post -- can you believe it?  How is this baby almost two already?  And yet she's so, so two.

Jumping is her new favorite skill.  She likes to "hop like a frog" and leap off the bottom step of staircases.  She had to learn the hard way that she cannot yet jump off the bottom three steps like her big brother.

She's basically conversational, but everyone is surprised when they hear her speak, because she won't talk to anyone but us.  The other day, our next-door neighbors (who we see virtually every day, so they're not strangers) were over for dinner.  Ingrid said, "I want water," and Susannah was like, hey, that's a full sentence!  And then they left and Ingrid said something like, "Eli is going home.  He has to take a bath.  Eli crying because Henry punched his umbrella."  She's also picking up on phrases we use, conjugating verbs pretty well, and using some relational words.

Some fun things she's said in the last few days:

  • I think Henry's going to get some new candies
  • Time to walk the dog-a-log!
  • Where's Izzy?  She's over there on the floor!  She's licking herself.
  • [Playing on a box] I love to box! I box my gox!
  • [Upon waking] I should take my diaper off first.  I want princess underwear.  Now I want put pants back on.

She tells Daddy all about her day when he comes home from work.  It's not entirely comprehensible, but it is all mostly accurate and pretty funny if you know what we actually did during the day.  On Monday, it was something like, "We went swimming.  I jumping and jumping and jumping and I floating and my turn and Mommy said 'NO' but I DO IT MYSELF."  Which, as you might guess, means we went to the pool, where she was enjoying jumping off the wall to me repeatedly, until I told her it was Henry's turn and she had to sit on the deck, which did not go over so well.

She sits at the dinner table for approximately three minutes, but once she gets up, she happily goes to the living room and reads books by herself.  Sweet, sweet child.

She's very interested in families and who's who.  All masculine-looking characters and animals are daddies, all smallish characters are Henries or babies.  The world must make a lot of sense to her, since all of her play sets come with a Dad, Mom, brother, and sister.  She's moderately interested in all the new babies around.  She always asks, "Can I pat her?  Pat the baby?"

She still loves band-aids.  And she's still the cutest.


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