One Month Stats / Six Week Update

We had Heidi's one month checkup last week.  The stats:

Weight: 12lbs 6oz (off the charts)
Height: 24 inches (WAY off the charts)
Head Circumference: 39cm (75-90th percentile)

People at the playground keep seeing her little face peeking from the Ergo or the bucket and cooing.  They ask how old she is and coo some more.  Then I take her out and they all say, "OMG that newborn is giant!"  But she's a really cute giant.

Since I last posted, she decided that rocking and pacifiers are for suckers.  But swinging -- swinging is awesome!  Swinging results in calmness! and sleeping! for up to nine straight hours!

A week ago, she started rejecting all attempts at a soothing bedtime routine, so I put her in the swing at 8:00.  The first night she slept until 4 a.m.  The second night she sat there contentedly awake for an hour but then slept until 5:45!  Then for a couple of nights, I woke her up to eat at 4:00 so I could get back to sleep (by 5:45,we're up for the day and it makes for a long day).  Then she was up every 3 hours again.  The next night she stayed awake a little later and I failed to wake up, so she slept until 6:15.  Last night she was up at 1:00, 4:00, and 7:00 again.  So she's all over the place, but we're moving in the right direction.

Her awake periods are about an hour and a half.  Our daily routine varies so much depending on who goes to school when (highly variable with the weather and DCPS work days) that she doesn't have a consistent routine.  But the pattern is typically: sleep, eat IMMEDIATELY upon waking, awake for 90 minutes, fall asleep while being held/walking/driving, repeat.

I haven't quite figured out what to do with her when she's awake.  She's super chill.  Seems like she just wants to hang out in my lap or in the chair and stare at whatever's around.  Hates the playmat that the other kids loved.

We've seen a couple of real smiles and they're awesome.  Huge, open-mouthed grins.  Looks weirdly a lot like Grandpa Dave.


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