The Hap-Happiest Season of All
The school year just won't quit, but outdoor aquatics season has started anyway! We've been spending the weekends at the pool and it is glorious. We also convinced enough of our friends to join the same pool that it's like an uber-playdate.
Henry was absolutely certain that he would remember how to swim, even though we hadn't been to a pool since last September. He jumped in the water on the first day and sank like a stone. But three weekends in, he's already almost back to where he left off, and can get across the pool with some combination of dog-paddling and back-floating.
Ingrid in a swimsuit: still superb. She loves that she can wear this lion vest and be totally independent in the pool.

Heidi is wary of the giant cold water and mostly hangs out under an umbrella with one of us. She always ends up needing a nap while we're at the pool so someone walks her around in the Ergo. Makes for a good drink break.
I'm not sure I'll be able to take all three kids to the pool by myself during the week, so we're squeezing every single weekend out of the pool season.
We've also been spending Friday evenings at the splash park. The city hosts concerts on the riverfront on Friday evenings, so I take the kids down after school to play in the fountains, then we grab dinner at one of the restaurants and stay for the beginning of the concert. We sat with the crowd on the first Friday. The kids got way too riled up and Henry tried to jump in the Anacostia and Ingrid had a meltdown in front of all the dolled-up 20-somethings with their picnic baskets, so the next week we removed to a different part of the park with friends.
This summer will certainly be different with a baby in tow, but we're still going to have a great time. Three cheers for Vitamin D season!
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