Fourteen Months
This is one feisty, funny fourteen-month-old.
She goes from sunshine to hysterics in two seconds flat. Lucky for us, it's mostly sunshine.
She finally cut two new teeth and probably has two more coming. It's an endless river of drool around here.
New words this month:
Hooray (Hi-ay)
No (sort of gutteral and angry. Like a German shouting, "NEIN!")
Hair (Ow. Because that's the sound I make when she pulls my hair.)
Again (ga-GA!)
She is starting to do all kinds of toddler "work." Loves carrying heavy objects, pushing carts, scooping things, "cleaning" with the broom and wipes, and making my tea in the morning (no, really -- every day she takes out the tea bag, puts it in my cup, and puts the wrapper in the trash).

She loves her people so enthusiastically. When Daddy comes home, she runs to the door squealing, "Da-deeee! Da-deeee!" She wants to do whatever the big kids are doing and does NOT like to be left out.
Putting her to bed is still the best ever. At this point the other kids had both started fighting bedtime, or at least not always settling nicely for cuddles. Heidi loves to curl up in the chair for stories. I pick out a book. If it does not meet her standards, she squawks, "Naw!" and swipes it away, but if I choose well, she wiggles with a full-body smile that says, "Yes! I have been waiting all day for that precise Boynton book!" When we're done reading, I turn on the sounds and turn off the light, then she snuggles into my chest and goes right to sleep. It's divine.
We're entering my favoritest phase: talking toddler. I love the words. Love the busy-ness. Love the personality. Loooooove the cuteness.

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