21 Months
Wild changes in Heidi's life since her 20-month post! We managed to pack up the house, haul across the country, spend a week on the road, spend a week camping at Carol and Dave's, and now two weeks in a new house. And our tiny tot was a total champ. Really.
We thought Heidi would be the wild card on the road trip but she did great. The big kids sat in the way back seat so Heidi could see them both. Henry literally threw snacks at her, which she thought was great. And every time she got bored we handed her a pack of markers and let her color all over herself and she was good for another 60 miles. It was WAY better than I expected.
She was the most homesick of all of the kids and was definitely ready to be settled by the time we were done. She was the only one of the kids who asked to go home a lot, which of course did not make me cry at all. But she mostly enjoyed seeing everyone along the way. She thought Lily and CateCate and Rooty were super cool then had a great time with Grandma Jane and Grandpa Alan.
Halloween was the greatest thing ever. It took her about three houses to figure out that people would coo over her and give her candy. She still regularly asks, "Go neighbor house? Get candy?"
She's at the peak of talking cuteness. She can rattle off four- and five-word sentences easily, which means she can communicate virtually anything she needs, but her voice and syntax are pure toddler scrumptiousness. She also says, "Oh my goodness," and if I suggest something she doesn't like, she says, "Ummm....how 'bout [x]?" It's the best.
She thought Henry's birthday was great and now sings "Happy TO you Henry" and requests the Curious George birthday story all the time.
Very interested in the potty again, of course, because we need a little more chaos in our lives right now. Not terribly successful yet but I don't like to thwart the developmental urges. I'm trying to let her go naked around the house more often and put her on the potty a lot. She hates having a dirty diaper so I don't think it will be long until she works it out.
She seems to like the new house. It has a lot of space for twirling.
She also really likes having more people to keep track of. Carol, Dave, Eric, Julia, Alden and Nona are around enough that she has started including them in her roll-call upon waking. She seems genuinely perplexed if no one is here. But she knows that if Grandma comes over by herself, Mom is probably leaving, so she cries, "No gramma, stay Mama!" This lasts about thirty seconds.
Henry is off at school now, so Heidi and Ingrid have been having a great time together. It's fun to see them develop a dynamic that is separate from Henry. I remember the year of being home with 3-year-old Henry and 1-year-old Ingrid as being really fun and great for their relationship, so I'm glad Ingrid and Heidi are getting that too. Girls are SO MUCH CALMER. They spend a lot of time looking at books and doing artsy things.
She's been a delightful little lady this month!
We thought Heidi would be the wild card on the road trip but she did great. The big kids sat in the way back seat so Heidi could see them both. Henry literally threw snacks at her, which she thought was great. And every time she got bored we handed her a pack of markers and let her color all over herself and she was good for another 60 miles. It was WAY better than I expected.
She was the most homesick of all of the kids and was definitely ready to be settled by the time we were done. She was the only one of the kids who asked to go home a lot, which of course did not make me cry at all. But she mostly enjoyed seeing everyone along the way. She thought Lily and CateCate and Rooty were super cool then had a great time with Grandma Jane and Grandpa Alan.
Halloween was the greatest thing ever. It took her about three houses to figure out that people would coo over her and give her candy. She still regularly asks, "Go neighbor house? Get candy?"
She's at the peak of talking cuteness. She can rattle off four- and five-word sentences easily, which means she can communicate virtually anything she needs, but her voice and syntax are pure toddler scrumptiousness. She also says, "Oh my goodness," and if I suggest something she doesn't like, she says, "Ummm....how 'bout [x]?" It's the best.
She thought Henry's birthday was great and now sings "Happy TO you Henry" and requests the Curious George birthday story all the time.
Very interested in the potty again, of course, because we need a little more chaos in our lives right now. Not terribly successful yet but I don't like to thwart the developmental urges. I'm trying to let her go naked around the house more often and put her on the potty a lot. She hates having a dirty diaper so I don't think it will be long until she works it out.
She seems to like the new house. It has a lot of space for twirling.
She also really likes having more people to keep track of. Carol, Dave, Eric, Julia, Alden and Nona are around enough that she has started including them in her roll-call upon waking. She seems genuinely perplexed if no one is here. But she knows that if Grandma comes over by herself, Mom is probably leaving, so she cries, "No gramma, stay Mama!" This lasts about thirty seconds.
Henry is off at school now, so Heidi and Ingrid have been having a great time together. It's fun to see them develop a dynamic that is separate from Henry. I remember the year of being home with 3-year-old Henry and 1-year-old Ingrid as being really fun and great for their relationship, so I'm glad Ingrid and Heidi are getting that too. Girls are SO MUCH CALMER. They spend a lot of time looking at books and doing artsy things.
She's been a delightful little lady this month!
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