Seven Months
Summer is in full swing here so babyFritz had an exciting seventh month. Pools, parades, and outings for this big guy!
He has a nice nap schedule devised around the big kids' activities. Morning wakeup is still variable, sometime between 5:30 and 7:00, but he reliably naps from 8:30 or 9:00 to 10:00, I wake him up to go to the pool for swim lessons, we swim and play until lunchtime, everyone eats together, and he naps again from 1:30 or 2:00 to 3:30. After he and Heidi wake up, we usually all play outside or walk to the park and pray for Karl to come home soon. Then we all eat dinner and Fritz goes to bed at 7:45.
We're testing out all the local lake beaches and every ice cream place in a 30-minute drive radius. Fritz may have gotten a few tiny licks at each place. Remember how Henry had never tasted sweets until his first birthday party? #fourthbaby
He went to his first Fourth of July parade. It was insanely hot and crowded. Fritz and I and our coordinating shirts mostly stayed in the shade on one of the side streets off the parade route.
Fritz also boasted some big baby accomplishments: the first two teeth just cracked through his bottom gums this week, he learned to roll over (just a few hours after I published his six-month post), and he mastered sitting up!
I love this stage of sitting up but not yet crawling. He can entertain himself with toys and watch the world go by, which is so much more satisfying than looking at the ceiling. It also opens up exciting big-baby options like sitting in the Costco cart seat. But he still stays where I put him. We have some travel coming up in the next month -- I might just intentionally thwart any attempts at crawling so he stays immobile until we're done flying him from coast to coast.
He loves chewing on objects, being outside, his big siblings, and all kinds of solid foods. Hates the exersaucer and not having food if other people are eating.
Now that we have free babysitting and Fritz is eating a lot of solid food, Karl and I have been getting out by ourselves and doing some big-kid things with Henry and Ingrid. It's fun to discuss all the things we could be doing a year or two from now when Fritz is down to one nap and isn't nursing. It's hard not to look ahead to the next phase when the end of this one is in sight. But this is my last go-round with gummy smiles and round cheeks and gleefully flapping limbs. I'm trying to savor them before the weeks go flying by.
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