Twenty Months
This age is such a delight -- the thudthud run, the funny phrases, ever-expanding vocabulary, big feelings, and the beginnings of a sense of humor. We are at the age where only video can capture the full effect of his adorable ridiculousness. I haven't captured his singing yet, but his rendition of the chicken song is getting pretty good. Big brother has taught him all kinds of fun things, like climbing and falling down.
Speaking of being well-trained . . . he dabs when as I pull out the camera. Thanks, Henry.

Fritz was the life of the party at the wedding we attended this weekend. At 9:30 p.m. he was run-toddling circles around the dance floor like the Energizer bunny.
It's fun to take him places because there is something he loves everywhere we go. He loves animals and treats. The State Fair was a big hit (until the sheep BAAA'ed at him too loudly).
He also loves Brio trains, trucks, Henry's Nerf guns, baby dolls, swings, his little car, and having magnificent hair.
All the other kids went back to school today. Fritz was very excited about seeing the school bus again but confused by everyone's absence for the rest of the day. Personally, I enjoyed my quiet morning with him very much. He is so much more of a little boy than he was back in May when we last had mornings together. We did laundry and he named every item he put in the dryer. We walked from the bakery to the bookstore -- no stroller, just holding hands across the street. He exclaimed over the doves, chicken, and chinchilla (yeah, our bookstore is that cool). We read loads of books and practiced his newest trick, jumping. It's going to be a lovely fall.
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