Random Milestones
I haven't posted in ages, but September delivered a slate of random milestones that I want to record. These kids...they're getting big really fast.
Heidi lost her first two teeth! They came out just one day apart. I yanked the first one while on a Zoom call. How very 2020.

Henry's feet are bigger than mine.
His/Mine |
Fritz fell down the basement stairs and broke his arm. We've had stitches, staples, and glue, but this was our first broken bone in the family! Given how insanely daring Fritz is, I'm surprised his first broken bone came from something so innocuous. He was clearly in pain but stoic about going to the ER. By the time the super-dose of ibuprofen kicked in, he was entertaining everyone with his precocious vocabulary. When the nurse put the splint on his arm, he exclaimed, "BUT HOW AM I GOING TO LIFT WEIGHTS?!?!?!" As he left the hospital (shirtless), told the security guard, "Thanks, I liked your doctors," and then shouted at the automatic doors, "FBI OPEN UP!"
Ingrid got her ears pierced. I am happy to report that ear piercing at Claire's at the mall has not changed one tiny bit since 1987. Ingrid was very brave, but looked seriously shocked and traumatized at the pain of the first ear. Luckily the piercing pro was like a ninja and punched the second ear before Ingrid could gather herself enough to refuse to continue. She looks adorable and fancy and much too much like a tweenager.
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