Henry is 10!
I missed a whole year of birthday updates and regret it. So let's resume with a major milestone: a full decade of Reitzlings! Henry is ten!
First picture on this blog! |
First Zoom guitar lesson; early quarantine hair |
He continues to be an extraordinary big brother. Fritz has spent a lot of time following Henry around for the past 8 months, to the detriment of Fritz's manners, but they are really close for siblings 6 years apart in age. Henry is endlessly patient with him and finds good ways to include him. They made us un-bunk their beds so they could sleep "right next to each other." His patience for Heidi's emotional outbursts and Ingrid's wussiness is shorter than it used to be, but that is probably a good civilizing influence on both of them. If Henry is irritated with you, it's probably time to get your sh*t together.
Henry and I have started reading together at bedtime. He always loved to listen to long stories but we hadn't read to him much since he learned to read on his own. We end up reading a little and having long talks about whatever's on his mind. It's been enlightening this year to hear what he's thinking about school, pandemics, elections, riots....and video games, TikTok videos, and YouTubers. It's a lovely half hour when he's not too big to cuddle his mom.
And now, the birthday interview!
- What is your favorite color?
- Green
- What is your favorite food?
- Lobster
- What is your favorite dinner that we cook at home?
- Duck
- What is your favorite treat?
- Grandma Carol's fruit tart
- What is your favorite subject in school?
- Gym
- What is one thing you want to learn this year?
- Get faster at reading
- What is your favorite thing to do on weekends?
- Play with friends
- What is your favorite movie?
- The Godfather (ONE, he says)
- What is your favorite tv show?
- Raising Dion
- What is your favorite book?
- Terrible Two
- What is your favorite restaurant?
- Shake Shack
- What is your favorite vegetable?
- Asparagus
- What is your favorite fruit?
- Bananas
- What is your favorite place to visit?
- Jamaica 100%
- Where do you WANT to visit someday?
- Russia
- Who is your best friend?
- Abram, Charlie Wyatt, and Santi (and Cam and Luke and Griffin and Tim....)
- What’s your favorite thing to do with Ingrid?
- Tubing at the cabin
- What’s your favorite thing to do with Heidi?
- Just talk and hang out. She actually tells you stuff, not like Ingrid.
- What's your favorite thing to do with Fritz?
- Play football and video games.
- What’s your favorite thing to do with Dad?
- Play football and Madden21.
- What’s your favorite thing to do with Mom?
- Conversation
- What's your favorite board game?
- Monopoly or mancala
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- NHL or NFL player
- What are you really good at?
- Football
- What do you wish you could do or be better at?
- Hockey
- What is something that you wish for?
- Electric guitar
- What is something you wonder about?
- If I'll ever make it to the NHL or NFL
- Who is someone that you miss?
- Ravi
- What makes you sad?
- Getting woken up in the morning
- What makes you happy?
- Sleeping
- What would your perfect day be like?
- Sleep, eat, play video games, play with friends, eat, play video games, play with friends, eat, watch The Office, and go to bed
- What was the best thing you did while you were nine?
- Go to Jamaica
- What age do you look forward to – and why?
- Sixteen. So I can drive!
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