Thirteen Months

A quick update on Ingrid before even more of the month passes me by --

She has started doing all kinds of cute toddlerish things like using objects for their intended purpose, disjointing her shoulders in order to avoid being picked up, having a sense of humor, and taking all the dog food out of the container while I'm not looking.

We think she has a lot of words.  "We think," because she often says a word several times in the right context, but then doesn't say it again for a very long time, so it's hard to tell if it is actually part of her vocabulary.  Words we're pretty sure about: hi, bye, hello (hao), brush (b'sssss), book (bok), no, Daddy (da-eee), Izzy (zzzeee), duck (guck), ball (ba), hot (ot), up, down, uh-oh, whoa, and bump (what I say when I lay her down on the changing pad) (bup).  She also signs "all done" and "more."

She figured out how to sleep this month.  All of a sudden she's sleeping with no fuss from 8pm to 7am, and napping from about 1:00 to 3:30, and putting herself back to sleep when she wakes up.  It's dreamy.

We're still nursing first thing in the morning and at bedtime.  It's probably time to start weaning her off, but it'll be very sad for both of us.

She still only has six teeth.  Hasn't gotten any new ones since May.

She's a total fancy nancy.  In addition to the hair bows that I put on her, she also usually wants a couple strings of beads and her gold shoes before we can leave the house.  She's a huge hit with all the nannies at the playground. 


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