Sixteen Months

I'm late on my update again, but be assured that Ingrid continues to dominate this whole toddler business.  She's getting more willful about some things and loudly protests when, for instance, she is being carried and wants to walk, or is walking and wants to be carried.  But she's basically happy all the time and isn't prone to tantrums.

She talks all the time.  We don't always understand what she is saying but there's definitely no more baby babble.  Favorite new words: sammerch (sandwich), naked, jammas (pajamas), zebra, mao (meow, aka cat), sausages, careful, and mockamoomie (guacamole).  She has a funny prefix she uses when she wants something, a nasal whine-grunt that sort of sounds like "I want," as in, "nnnwaaah water."

She's developing a great set of toddlerisms.  When she wants you to take an object from her, she says "Kank you!" or "Kank you [object]!"  If you fail to take it immediately, she frantically shouts, "Kank you!  Kank you!  Kank you!" until you take catch on.  She also says, "Carry you" when she wants to be carried -- just like Henry did, which I adore.  But instead of a sweet request, she barks it like a tiny, golden-curled dictator.   

Still loves to read.  She tends to fixate on one book instead of rotating through a handful of favorites.  Hits this month have been Clifford, Curious George, Roar (The Lion and the Mouse), Doctor Doctor, Cat in the Hat, and Where the Wild Things Are.  After she got really into George, I dug out a stuffed George that Henry loved for two days and then forgot about, and now Ingrid carries it around with her all the time. 

We have started some super low-key . . . let's not call it "potty training," but perhaps "potty awareness."  She has been showing interest in the potty and tells us when she has pooped.  So I've been putting her on the potty before the bath and she usually pees and clearly knows she has done it.

She and Henry have been playing together a lot.  He's pretty good at engaging her and it's pure magic to watch them.

I was also prepared to say that she hadn't gotten any new teeth in six months.  We thought she was still sporting the same six teeth she had back in May.  Then lo and behold, I peek back there one day, and it turns out she has one molar.  Poor child is going to need some serious orthodontia.


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