Ingrid's First Day

Ingrid had her first day of school on Friday!  I think I spent so much time angsting about Henry's school that I forgot to mention that Ingrid would be starting school too.

The decision for her was much less fraught, since she would be attending the same kind of program for roughly the same number of hours, no matter what we picked.  My primary criteria were 1) accepts two year olds; 2) play- or Montessori-based; 3) had a permanent, experienced teacher; and 4) didn't require me to do much or any co-op duty.  I found three such programs, didn't like the vibe at one of them, applied to the other two.  She got into the little Montessori-inspired school.  Done!  She's attending on Monday and Friday mornings.

Friday was her first day -- and she did great!  We met her teacher last week and Ingrid seemed to like her.  We talked about school and seeing Miss Jackie again on Thursday night.  On Friday morning, she picked out her own outfit for school.  We packed up her snacks in her little backpack and walked to school.  Miss Jackie whisked her into the room and Ingrid didn't look back.  I peeked through the window a few minutes later and Ingrid was kind of hanging back, getting the lay of the land, but wasn't crying.  Henry and I went out on a brunch date.

Ingrid was totally cool and happy at pickup.  She did not burst into tears upon seeing me, which is what happened when I left the kids in a classroom for babysitting during parent orientation at Henry's school.  Miss Jackie reported that Ingrid cried for a few minutes after she realized I was gone, but rallied quickly.  She liked doing puzzles and an animal matching game, and made friends with a girl named Lillia.  Ingrid reported that they took a ride in a choo-choo (the buggy they take to the park) and she played with Lillia.

She was totally happy to go to school again this morning.  When I told her it was time for school, she said, "See Miss Jackie!" and hopped into the stroller.  She walked into the room, hung up her backpack, and went to the table with the teacher to finish the muffin she'd been eating in the stroller.  Not so much as a second glance back at Mom, even though she knew this time I'd be leaving.  What a rock star!


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