Nine Months

This baby.  She kills me.  With sleep deprivation and cuteness.

We finally got her to quit waking up in the middle of the night, but she's still up around 6:00 virtually every day.  I realize that's not the worst treatment that any parent has ever been subjected to.  But it's still an hour+ of sleep that we need and could be getting.  It wears on you after awhile, especially now that it's completely dark in the morning.  When she starts squawking I roll over and say a little prayer that the number on the clock will pretty please just start with a 6 and not a 5.

On the upside, she does go to bed with zero complaint every time.  She nurses quickly, pops in the thumb, snuggles in to my chest, and is down for the count.  I could probably toss her from the rocking chair to the crib and she would stay asleep.  She also goes right back to bed for morning nap even after falling asleep in the car on the way home from school.  That's like a baby unicorn.  So Heidi has the curious distinction of being both our best sleeper and worst sleeper.

She woke up around 5:00 a lot this month.  If she's up that early, she will usually go back to sleep in the rocking chair with me.  It's lovely, even in my bleary state.  She isn't much of a cuddler otherwise so this is my chance to enjoy her baby softness and chubby hands and sleepy breath.  I'm painfully aware that her babyhood is quickly coming to an end.  I know the next few months will fly by in the hurry of holidays and before I know it, she'll be turning one.  I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts.

New tricks this month include clapping, playing peek-a-boo, babbling, and standing for a few seconds unsupported.  She tries to play peek-a-boo with things that don't remotely cover her face (like a belt) and still thinks it's hysterical.  Her previous favorite verbalization (other than screaming), was putting her thumb in her mouth and saying, "gooley gooley gooley."  This has largely been replaced with an inquisitive look accompanied by something sounding like "I did it."

Henry likes to carry her around and wrestle with her.  This is the greatest thing ever.

She's generally a super happy little thing.  I want to re-decorate her room in yellow because she's so sunshiny.  It's easy to distract her with silliness and merriment when she is sad.  She has her first cold right now but she still tries so hard to be happy, despite the snuffling river of snot.

She's a demon-fast crawler and getting into everything.  For posterity, this is the crawling face.

And this is the upside-down face.

Stats from the checkup:
Length -- 30.25" (off the charts)
Weight -- 21 lb 7oz (90th percentile)
Head Circ -- 46 cm

If I hadn't seen Ingrid, I would say Heidi is chubby.

This isn't exactly my favorite phase of babyhood and I'm still enjoying her enormously.  How could I not love a kid this delicious?


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