A Boy and His Dog

A good deal of Henry's total daily energy is spent in pursuit of his four-legged older sister.  He just adores her, thinks she is the most wonderful beast to roam the earth, and gets really excited when he manages to pat her.

For her part, Izzy still has not completely forgiven us for producing this horrible human puppy and bringing him home to upset her peaceful existence.  Here are the kids, way back in June, when Henry first got really mobile.  This pretty much represents their relationship: Henry would expend a huge amount of effort to get near Izzy, and Izzy would snap out of her doggy languor and bolt any time Henry got anywhere close.  Rinse, repeat.

Henry-Izzy relations have warmed considerably since he started eating big-people food last month.  He has figured out that if he feeds her, she will be his friend, and Izzy has figured out that the more she tolerates Henry, the more likely it is that she will get to eat half a steak and several slices of cheese.  They've settled into a mutually beneficial arrangement that now looks something like this:

Also, when he wants Izzy to play with him, he shouts "NO!" in a way that indicates he believes that is her name.  Perhaps we should be nicer to the dog.


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