Henry and I had a wild and crazy week last week while Karl was in Beijing. House parties, late nights, the works. Henry's girlfriend Lily even stayed over (her mom, pregnant with #2, had to go to the hospital with contractions in the middle of the night).
We also had a very rainy week, and Henry loved walking under the umbrella out in the rain. He rode around in the Ergo with his head tipped all the way back, just smiling and contemplating the sound of the pitter-pat on the nylon. One of the most wonderful parts of parenting is watching your kid be delighted by simple things.
After walking the dog one evening, we sat down to dinner. Henry kept doing the double-finger point-and-grunt action that he uses when he wants something off the table. I handed him item after item from the table trying to figure out what he wanted before I realized that he was pointing clear across the house at the entryway, where I had propped the wet umbrella. I humored him, got the umbrella, and Henry enjoyed the rest of his lasagna with a most charming dinner companion.
Hey, baby. Come here often? |
Sharing a romantic meal. |
I think it's going well
(notwithstanding the fact that his hair is full of yogurt). |
Making a move. |
What a weird kid.
Sam had an obsession with plastic hangers at one point. Kids are funny.