Bedtime Blues
Henry is going through a super clingy phase and and seriously fighting bedtime. About two weeks ago he started wailing when we left him in bed. He desperately wants one of us (but mostly me) to stay with him and carries on in the most tragic fashion when we leave. He sometimes goes through these phases of freaking out about something, often corresponding with some developmental leap, but this is a strange way for him to act out. Bedtime is the one thing he has never ever given us any grief about. Since he was four months old we could basically plunk him in bed wide awake and he would happily talk and sing to himself until he fell asleep. In fact, it has always seemed like he needed that time alone.
This bedtime panic started the last time Karl was gone, so I took pity on him one night and let him sleep in bed with me. That strategy lasted exactly half of one night until I could no longer handle being kicked in the neck every hour. Then we tried moving an extra crib mattress into our room and letting him sleep on the floor next to us. That came to an abrupt end when, one afternoon during nap time, I heard suspicious thumps and bumps upstairs . . . and upon investigation found that Henry had pooped in his shorts then wiped his butt on our sheets. Aaaaaand back to your own room, kid.
It seems like he's lonely rather than scared of something, so we also tried putting Ingrid in his room one night. His crib is still in the room right next to the big bed, so we thought they might like being able to see each other. Henry was really keen on the idea -- he's been very into her lately and a super awesome big brother -- but they're such different sleepers that it was a complete disaster. Ingrid was pissed off to be in a new place so she was screaming, and every time she screamed, Henry got really sad again; they finally got to sleep, then Ingrid woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't get settled again (probably because she sleeps in total darkness and Henry likes two lights on), so then I had to go in and feed her and put her to bed in her own room, but then Henry was super sad to be alone and I ended up sleeping with him. Not a great night.
But the experiment did yield one of the sweetest kid moments we've experienced. After several minutes of quiet, Ingrid sat bolt upright and started crying again. Henry scooted over to her, patted her through the crib slats, and sang "I've Been Working on the Railroad" to her. She reached out to pat his hand then laid back down and they both went to sleep. Sweetest kids.
So now I lay down with him to cuddle for an extra long time at naptime and bedtime. He still cries when I leave, but at least he's sleeping in his own room. I admit this is not the worst phase ever, given that I've been wanting him to cuddle me for roughly the past two years. He snuggles right up next to me and I can enjoy his little boyish body and look at his pretty eyelashes and nuzzle his hair that smells like wet puppy after he's been running around sweaty at the park all morning. I'm missing my free time in the afternoons and evenings, but enjoying the cuddles while they last.
This bedtime panic started the last time Karl was gone, so I took pity on him one night and let him sleep in bed with me. That strategy lasted exactly half of one night until I could no longer handle being kicked in the neck every hour. Then we tried moving an extra crib mattress into our room and letting him sleep on the floor next to us. That came to an abrupt end when, one afternoon during nap time, I heard suspicious thumps and bumps upstairs . . . and upon investigation found that Henry had pooped in his shorts then wiped his butt on our sheets. Aaaaaand back to your own room, kid.
It seems like he's lonely rather than scared of something, so we also tried putting Ingrid in his room one night. His crib is still in the room right next to the big bed, so we thought they might like being able to see each other. Henry was really keen on the idea -- he's been very into her lately and a super awesome big brother -- but they're such different sleepers that it was a complete disaster. Ingrid was pissed off to be in a new place so she was screaming, and every time she screamed, Henry got really sad again; they finally got to sleep, then Ingrid woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't get settled again (probably because she sleeps in total darkness and Henry likes two lights on), so then I had to go in and feed her and put her to bed in her own room, but then Henry was super sad to be alone and I ended up sleeping with him. Not a great night.
But the experiment did yield one of the sweetest kid moments we've experienced. After several minutes of quiet, Ingrid sat bolt upright and started crying again. Henry scooted over to her, patted her through the crib slats, and sang "I've Been Working on the Railroad" to her. She reached out to pat his hand then laid back down and they both went to sleep. Sweetest kids.
So now I lay down with him to cuddle for an extra long time at naptime and bedtime. He still cries when I leave, but at least he's sleeping in his own room. I admit this is not the worst phase ever, given that I've been wanting him to cuddle me for roughly the past two years. He snuggles right up next to me and I can enjoy his little boyish body and look at his pretty eyelashes and nuzzle his hair that smells like wet puppy after he's been running around sweaty at the park all morning. I'm missing my free time in the afternoons and evenings, but enjoying the cuddles while they last.
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