Ten Months

Ten months!  All of a sudden my baby is so very close to a year old.  And in honor of her ten-month birthday, she up and started walking with the walker. 

It's tough to be the second child.  All your important moments get video-bombed.

I must state at the outset that she wakes up between 5:30 and 6:15 every day.  In my mind, this is the middle of the night and I try to put her back to bed, but she's almost always awake.  This schedule is threatening to break my parental spirit one bleary morning at a time.

Now that we've gotten that off our chests . . . during the day, Ingrid is the most delightful little lady.  She entertains herself with a bin of toys or kitchen objects for extended periods of time, she eats like a champ, she laughs at and plays with Henry.  We originally thought she was going to be a relatively placid girl, since she always accepted Henry's brotherly abuse and would content herself with whatever toys we handed her.  But this month she developed a little spunk and will now yowl at Henry or fight back a little bit.  She also gives me what-for if I fail to identify the one object among many that she wants.  She points aggressively and yells, "ABADABADADADADA!!"

She stands up against everything that doesn't move (and some things that do), and is starting to execute more advanced maneuvers like cruising along furniture and transferring from piece of furniture to another.   She usually stands on her cute little tiptoes.  I think she'll continue to crawl for awhile even after she can walk because she's so fast at it -- faster than Henry ever was.  I will miss her rapid and boisterous crawl when it finally goes. 


Her favorite games include chasing Henry while he plays, putting objects inside of other objects and taking them out again, and handing things back and forth.  The best object are, in order: tiny things she can choke on; bits of "inedible" substances found on the floor; any object currently or recently possessed by Henry; objects Mama is trying to work with; kitchen implements; and toys.  

I'm trying to enjoy every last minute -- even the early morning ones -- of squishy baby before the toddler emerges.


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