Days of Our Lives: 2013-2014

While I was bemoaning the loss of the lovely routine we had before school started, I realized I never recorded our schedule from that period.  The kids and I basically had the same routine for a year -- from the time Ingrid dropped to one nap, until Henry started school last month.  An entire year!  That might be the longest we've stayed on the same routine since before Henry was born!  And it probably won't ever happen again.  Aside from that whole "new baby" thing, we'll be switching from school to summer every year from now on.

The kids had a lot of variation in wake-up times, but generally speaking...

7:00 -- Ingrid woke up.  She would have two bottles and a snack.  We would watch a Yo Gabba Gabba and do quiet toddlerish activities.
9:00 -- Henry woke up.  He would have his milk and watch a show.
9:30ish -- Breakfast and get dressed.
10:00 -- Go out for the day.  Depending on the season, our mornings were filled with parks, playdates, and outings in the city.  
12:30/1:00 -- Come home and have lunch.
1:30 - 4:00 -- Ingrid went down for her nap.  Early in the year, Henry would sit with me to read stories and put her to bed.  As the year wore on, he entertained himself downstairs more often.  While Ingrid napped, Henry and I would do preschool-type activities, have quiet time, prep dinner, or (when I got pregnant again) he would watch a movie while I napped on the couch next to him.
4:00 -- Ingrid woke up.  If the weather was good, we would walk the dog and go to Lincoln Park until dinnertime.  If not, we would play in the basement and kill time until Karl got home to relieve me.
5:30 -- Karl came home and took over primary kid duty while I made dinner.
6:30 -- Dinner.
7:30 -- Bath, milk, stories.  For most of the year, Karl put Henry to bed and I put Ingrid to bed.
8:15/8:30 -- Kids down and out.  Time for Mom and Dad to relax!

This was a great phase for us.  The kids and I had a very predictable schedule but still had a lot of variety in our morning activities.  It was tough that Henry gave up his nap, so I didn't have any daytime breaks from the kids, but I did get one-on-one time with each of them.  A good year, and very full!


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