The School Thing: Here We Go Again
Henry started school again last week. We ended up enrolling him at the public Montessori program. Karl convinced me that free Montessori was too good to pass up, especially once we knew that Baby #3 was on the way.
Henry lucked out and got assigned to a great teacher. She's been teaching Montessori forever and everyone we've talked to says she's a school favorite. He also ended up with the last possible start date (this school does a rolling start for the new 3 year olds), so we had an extra month of savoring our summer schedule. We've been walking by the school a lot and visiting their excellent playground to get him comfortable with the new environment.
Henry attended from 9:00-11:00 on Thursday and Friday last week. Drop-off on the first day was terrible. Crying, screaming, flailing. People came out from other classrooms to stare. The teacher had to call the school counselor -- whom they ominously call the "social worker" -- to pry Henry off my body. Always a good parenting day when someone calls a social worker before I've had my coffee.
Of course, when I picked him up, he was playing happily with some other kids and didn't want to leave. We stayed at school until his classmates came out to the playground for recess and it seemed like he had made a couple of friends already.
Drop-off on Friday was better. He got ready and out the door without complaint, and only cried a little bit when I left. I thought we were making progress. We ran into one of his new friends at the park on Saturday and he wanted the kid to come to our house, so I thought he'd be really excited to see him again at school today.
No such luck. Back to screaming and flailing. I'm not sure what we're going to do with this kid. We'll see how he is after his first long day, complete with lunch and naptime with the other kids.
At least he was a good sport for pictures on the first day. Sigh. Here we go again.
Henry lucked out and got assigned to a great teacher. She's been teaching Montessori forever and everyone we've talked to says she's a school favorite. He also ended up with the last possible start date (this school does a rolling start for the new 3 year olds), so we had an extra month of savoring our summer schedule. We've been walking by the school a lot and visiting their excellent playground to get him comfortable with the new environment.
Henry attended from 9:00-11:00 on Thursday and Friday last week. Drop-off on the first day was terrible. Crying, screaming, flailing. People came out from other classrooms to stare. The teacher had to call the school counselor -- whom they ominously call the "social worker" -- to pry Henry off my body. Always a good parenting day when someone calls a social worker before I've had my coffee.
Of course, when I picked him up, he was playing happily with some other kids and didn't want to leave. We stayed at school until his classmates came out to the playground for recess and it seemed like he had made a couple of friends already.
Drop-off on Friday was better. He got ready and out the door without complaint, and only cried a little bit when I left. I thought we were making progress. We ran into one of his new friends at the park on Saturday and he wanted the kid to come to our house, so I thought he'd be really excited to see him again at school today.
No such luck. Back to screaming and flailing. I'm not sure what we're going to do with this kid. We'll see how he is after his first long day, complete with lunch and naptime with the other kids.
At least he was a good sport for pictures on the first day. Sigh. Here we go again.
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Zoom in on his face for a good laugh. |
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Marching off to his fate. |
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