Ten Months

Babies this age do everything I dislike.  Crawling; gross.  Everything in the mouth; gross, stressful.  Pulling up and hanging onto my dress and pants; irritating way beyond what is rationally justified.  And yet this baby is the most delightful specimen of babyness.  I'm enjoying her like I enjoyed Henry at 18 months and again at five.  Like I enjoyed Ingrid for all of age two.  It's crazy.

She has tons of new tricks in the last couple of weeks: pointing, waving, walking with the cart, maybe trying to imitate sounds, and a couple of signs.

She has learned the signs for "all done," which looks like flapping, and "more," which looks like clapping.  She has definitely made the connection that her hands can convey something to me, but she only has the two signs, so when she wants to say something else she gets frustrated and just furiously flaps and claps.

Ten months seems early to be attempting word-sounds, but I swear she is trying to say "Izzy." She must be a genius.  Grandma and Uncle Matt heard it too and they're obviously impartial judges of my baby's intelligence.

Still loves playing peek-a-boo with objects that don't cover her face.  Also loves: pulling out all the tissues, light fixtures, every food except broccoli and Cheerios, pulling clothes out of drawers, rolling around on fluffy blankets, and her people.

She has a nasty bout of pinkeye and a cold this week -- her first illnesses!  Not bad considering how much of her first year she spent mouthing objects at an elementary school playground, but it's really too bad she quit nursing just as we entered cold and flu season.  She has been waking up looking like this:

Grossssss, even by mom standards
and yet she still tries so hard to be happy.  She looks so tragic it breaks my heart but she is still content to play and be cuddled.  And did I mention she's finally sleeping until 7:00ish?  She really is the best baby ever.


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