Man Day

Karl recently started working a flex schedule that allows him to take off every other Friday.   Last week was his first Friday off without me at home, so he and Hal had some quality man time.  Elaine appeared highly skeptical that Karl could really keep the child alive on his own for an entire day.  She called Karl twice and me once to check up on them. 

The guys acquitted themselves very well.  Not only did both father and child survive all day, but they managed to grocery shop, go to the hardware store, assemble the new double stroller, get gas, drop off the dry cleaning, do a little yard work, and visit the contractor's shop, which is to say, more than I accomplished in four entire months of maternity leave.  Showoffs.  It made me really happy all day on Friday to think about my guys hanging out and spending the day together.

Karl has warned me that the next Man Day may be significantly less productive because it coincides with opening day of the NCAA tournament.  Henry has been thinking hard about his bracket but will have to wait a couple of years before he can eat Swedish Fish and M&Ms until he throws up. 


  1. Sasha was the same way, able to accomplish incredibly feats while taking care of the baby, including frequent lunches at restaurants with friends. My impression is that a man's attitude toward baby care is, "I will do all the stuff I would do anyway, and oh yeah, I'll bring the baby along," while a woman's attitude is, "I will spend the entire day caring for my baby, so how could I possibly do anything else?"


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