It Had To Happen Sometime

* Updated - I forgot that I had taken pictures during the main event.  Post now featuring actual haircut photos. 

Henry got his first pair of shoes on Saturday.  We drove way out to the suburbs to visit a store that a bunch of the moms in my neighborhood recommended as the best place to go for a first fitting, especially for odd-sized little feet.  (Incidentally, he clocked in at a 5XW.  Poor thing got the Wolff wide feet).

The owners of the little mall must understand their clientele well, because there was a children's barber right next to the children's shoe store.  We had been hemming and hawing about cutting Henry's shaggy mop for at least a month, and when we walked by the barber, we decided to just rip off the proverbial band-aid without thinking too hard about it.   It was hard, but the time had come.  The hair had gotten out of control:
Don King hair.
Mad scientist hair.
Grinch hair

Swear to God, I did not style it. 
He just woke up like this.
I'm glad Karl and I were together for this event, because not only did I need moral support, but there was no way that any fewer than three adults could have gotten the job done.  Karl sat in the chair and held Henry, I fed him grapes and danced around like a doofus to get him to look in the right direction, and the very gay Vietnamese stylist zipped around like some sort of blunt-scissor-wielding ninja. 

When he was done, the stylist pulled off the salon cape, and this dapper little man emerged:

I only cried a little bit.  Twice.
We took him out to the park yesterday to show off his new 'do and new kicks.  I miss his flopsy baby mop, but our little almost-toddler is proving altogether satisfactory too.


  1. First step to looking like a "real boy" and no longer a baby. Sad.

  2. i would have shed tear, too. His wild man hair was awesome but it was time. He looks like he is doing great with his new big boy walking shoes.


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