Sweet Sweet Baby

I haven't posted recently because it seems like there isn't much to report.  Henry has been positively delightful lately, which doesn't lend itself to funny anecdotes or milestone updates, but I suppose the fact that the kid has been happy almost nonstop for a month is probably noteworthy all by itself. 

He has been sweet and smiley and just all-around happy during the day and sleeping great at night.  I think of him as always being an easy baby, but now that we are in a golden moment, I realize he was a bit more difficult over the summer.  There were several weeks in July and early August when he was waking up once almost every night and more prone to freak-outs during the day (as evidenced by my previous post). 

My guess is that all the baby stars happened to align perfectly this month.  Henry has a bunch of exciting new skills, so he has new ways to entertain himself and doesn't get as frustrated.  He hasn't gotten any new teeth since late July.  We've been extremely low-key and routine, with no travels (not even Karl), which means that Henry can stay on a nice schedule and Karl and I are not leaking stress all over him. 

I suppose these conditions can't all last forever, but we're enjoying the heck out of the little man right now.


  1. Parental bliss is awesome...even if it's brief. Here's hoping it will continue for the next 18 years.


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