18 Month Stats

Official stats from Ingrid's checkup last week --

Weight: 28lbs (90th percentile)
Height: 33 5/8 inches (95th percentile)
Head circ: 47cm

Ingrid was amazingly cool at the visit.  She didn't even cry when she got two shots and had a blood draw. 

Henry cracked us all up by answering most of Dr. Pullman's questions in his most exaggeratedly serious voice.  He correctly informed her that Ingrid sleeps in her own room and it's green, he sleeps in a big bed with superhero sheets, Ingrid drinks out of a bottle at bedtime but a princess cup at lunch, she faces the back in the car, we do not have any cats, and Ingrid can run and color and talks a lot.  Halfway into the appointment the doctor told me that I could leave and get a Starbucks.  How long before Karl and I can just go out to dinner and leave Henry in charge?


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