Nineteen Months

Ingrid continues to be a most delightful tiny human.  I've been trying to take more videos of her to better remember this age.  I always think I'll remember what the kids were like at a particular stage, and of course I have particular flashbulb memories, but the days zip by and I realize I've forgotten just how their little voices sounded or how they wiggle-walked just so. 

She has a few little games of her own making.  When I put her to bed, I always sing to her for a few minutes before putting her in bed.  At first she used to wait for one song to end before asking for another song, then she realized she could make requests mid-song, and now she lets me get out one bar before shouting, "'nother SONG!" with a giant stinker grin on her face.  And when Karl is putting her to bed, she lifts her chin way up in the air and gives him the sideways smile, which is his cue to tickle her neck.  We also like to do a little song game while we're eating lunch.  I start singing something at normal volume, then she shushes me, and I have to sing in whisper until she shouts "AH!", then I'm supposed to sing loud until she laughs, when I can go back to normal volume; repeat many times.  She also loves to stand up on the edge of her chair after a meal and do a face-first trust fall into my arms. 

Henry is getting her trained as the coolest little sister ever.  She knows most of the superheroes and likes to run around after her big brother, even though she doesn't really understand what he's doing most of the time.  She likes to pick up his shield and shout "Ca'meeka!" (Captain America) and put on the green mask and shout "'Ulk!"

She still loves cooking on the kitchen tower and has started paying more attention to how I do things.  This week, it's all about pinching the salt. 

Her speech is also getting more fluid and more colloquial.  She picks up on how we say things, in addition to new words every day, so that we catch all kinds of adult phrases that sound funny in a tiny girl voice.  She loves to hand Henry his milk in the morning and at night, and she always says, "Here ya go, bud," just like I do.  And when we ask her questions, she answers either, "," or "sure!"

Basically, this month has been more of the same -- more talking, more running, more hating the stroller, more silly.  Which is perfectly fine with me, because this age is fantastic!


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