Days of Our Lives: Two Naps Edition

We've been in a pretty consistent routine since Ingrid adopted a very regular two-nap schedule a couple of months ago.  I sense that it's about to change (she's showing the first signs of dropping to one nap) so I should record it now.

6 a.m. -- Ingrid wakes up.  I nurse her, make some tea, and we go downstairs to play quietly.
7:30 -- Ingrid gets breakfast. 
8:15 -- Henry finally rolls out of bed.  He wakes up slowly and doesn't like to eat right away so we continue being lazy for awhile.
9:00 -- Henry and I have breakfast.  Ingrid either plays on the floor nearby or sits at the table and eats/plays with some Cheerios.
9:30 - 11:00 -- Ingrid goes down for her nap.  Henry is getting quite good at occupying himself quietly while I put her to bed.  While she naps, Henry and I play games with small pieces, work in the garden, or something else that is hard to do with a baby in tow.
11:00 - 2:00 -- Ingrid is up and we get out of the house.  Our spring schedule was music class on Mondays, gym time on Tuesday, playgroup on Wednesday, and parks on Thursday and Friday.  Music and playgroup are over for the summer, so now we go to the pool, gym time, various splash parks, the playground if it's not too hot out, and the library.  We often pack our lunch or eat out so we can stay out for the whole three hours. 
2:00 -- Ingrid goes down for her second nap.  Henry plays quietly in his room or gets to watch TV (depending on whether Ingrid is sleeping upstairs or downstairs) while I put her to bed. 
2:30 or 3:00 -- Henry goes down for his nap.  Lately he will only sleep if I stay with him until he falls asleep.  It's quite nice and cuddly.  I only let him sleep for about an hour; if he sleeps too long, he stays awake forever at night. 
3:00 - 4:00 -- I clean up, prep dinner, get a little computer time, watch Downton Abbey for the third time, sit quietly and stare at the wall, etc.
4:00 -- Both kids are usually up.  If the heat isn't unbearable, we go to the park and play until Karl meets us there on his way home.  Otherwise we walk Izzy as quickly as possible and then play in the basement.
5:30 -- Karl gets home. 
6:15 -- Dinner.  Lately we've been eating outside.
7:30 -- Bathtime.
8:00 -- Ingrid is down for the count.  Henry has finally broken out of his bedtime woes, but for a couple of months it took me/us until 8:45 to get him in bed by himself.  As of this week, he's back to happily waving goodnight to Karl by 8:15. 
8:15 -  10:00 -- Karl and I get to drink wine, watch TV, read, have hobbies, etc.  This is when I extra super do not miss working at a law firm. 


  1. What a lovely schedule! I'm so happy that you are able to be home and enjoy this time w/the kids.


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