Eleven Months

It does not seem possible that our tiny one is closing in on her last month of babyhood, but here we are at eleven months already.  Ingrid is still our soft, squishy snugglebug but is starting to show the first signs of toddlerhood.  She makes a beeline for any stairs and scales them with ease.  If I give her a comb, she rubs it on her head, and if I give her a fork, she tries to put bits of food on it.  She isn't walking on her own yet, but can execute all of the advanced pre-walking maneuvers, like cruising with only one hand on the furniture, standing unsupported for a second, and walking with support from something unstable, like my skirt hem.

She might -- might -- have two words, but I'm not certain yet.  If I say "Izzy" and point to the dog, Ingrid consistently says "zzzzzzeee," but doesn't say it unless prompted.  Same with Karl and "dada."  She does make a whole lot of other noises that she clearly intends to mean something.  When she hands me something, she usually says, "AHgehgeh" in a high squeaky voice.  And every time she bites me (a million times a day), I firmly say, "Ingrid, no bite," and she responds very matter-of-factly, "ah-dah-bah." 

She is an amazing eater and can tackle pretty much any food that can be small-diced.  If there is pasta available, she'll refuse to eat anything else, but otherwise she hasn't met a meat or vegetable she doesn't like.  Seriously -- sauerkraut, gazpacho, gumbo, asparagus, anything.  Still doesn't like fruit. 

I got fed up with the crack-of-dawn wakeups a few weeks ago and started leaving her in bed an extra 15 minutes every morning, pissed or not, until we got to a more reasonable hour.  We've moved from looking at the alarm clock and just praying that the number doesn't start with a "5:--", to waking up around 7:00.  If she sleeps until 7:30 or later (which happens once or twice a week), she can make it through the morning without a nap, which allows us to mix up our activity rotation. 

Of course, she does loads of cute things, but our current favorites are flipping her little hands around when she wants something, the fake laugh that she uses when she wants us to play with her, and the silly ways she sits.  She also just started reacting to music.  She rocks back and forth, waves a hand, or shakes one leg if she's standing.  It will be fun to start going to the toddler dance parties again!

The birthday party invitations are ordered -- one year, here she comes!


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