More Happy

As you might have guessed from the lack of posting, work has been a total beast lately.  Karl and I have both had some pretty tough days when we come home in rather surly moods.  Talking to each other would usually just result in further dwelling on whatever happened at the office, but luckily Henry's attention span for objections to interrogatories or the intricacies of the Volcker Rule is pretty short, so we end up chasing around the kitchen or playing in the yard or trying on every pair of shoes in the entryway.  If nothing else, with Henry, the work day is over at 6:00 (until it starts again at 8:30, but that's another matter).

About three weeks ago, Henry started using two-word phrases.  It's amazing how much more information one can convey with two words than with one.  "More blues" results in a whole lot less screaming than "more!" followed by handing him every item in sight.   

One of the cutest products of two-words phrases is his song requests.  We sing songs, and he tells us what he wants more of.  Some of them take a little deciphering because he picks a totally random word.  "More high" is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ("up above the world so high..."); "more baby" or "more goat" is Hush Little Baby ("mama's gonna buy you a billy goat"); "more ashyashy" is Ring Around the Rosie ("ashes, ashes, we all fall down"). 

But the first and best request we got was for "If you're happy and you know it."  He started saying it one evening after Karl and I had both had very bad days.  It's tough to be cranky when your kid is clapping his hands, looking up at you with big blue eyes, and asking "more happy? MORE HAPPY?"

More happy, indeed.


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